A man of wisdom
Quick Overview
Solomon was known in the Bible for being a very wise man, he prayed to God for wisdom many times when he was king. One day two women came to Solomon both claiming to be the mother of a newborn baby, Solomon knew that the real mother would rather the baby live with the other women than to be killed. So Solomon said to the women, if both of you claim to be the mother than have the baby cut into two, and given to each of you. Immediately one of the women said ‘No let her keep him, do not harm him’ Solomon knew right away this was the real mother.
Wisdom is the recognition of the faith and abilities we have been given, and applying them, along with the responsibility to follow through with energy. We are to be realistic, yet bold and daring, be smart and cautious stewards, yet go with passion, willing to take a risk (if it is wise to do so). Wisdom gives us the temperament, balance, and place to be so we can influence and help others, while not adding our inclinations to it. We are to grow in the wisdom of the Lord, know what our capacities are, and where the opportunities lay, so we know where to go, and where to grow, and then carry it to glorify our Lord.
Read the following verses then answer the questions below;
Psalm 49:10, Psalm 107:42-43, Psalm 119:98, Proverbs 8:33.
Question One. How do I exhibit Wisdom to others in my daily life?
Question Two. What can I do to develop an attitude of, and a willingness to exercise Wisdom?
Question Three. What blocks my imparting Wisdom to others?
Question Four. How would you define Wisdom?
After answering the questions above, do you have a better understanding of what wisdom is and why it is so important?
Personal Evaluation
· Can you contrast God's principles with natural inclinations?
· Do you know the commands of Christ?
· Are your aware that God is watching and weighing every one of your words, thoughts, actions, attitudes and motives?
· Have you asked God for wisdom and treasured it?
· Do you have a Godly hatred of evil and genuine love for sinners?
· Do you record the insights of wisdom God gives you?
· Do you seek instruction of wise men and reject the teachings of fools?
· Are you slow to answer and swift to hear?
Let this be your prayer,
Lord, I pray that you will give me the words to say when talking to others about you, I pray that you will also give me wisdom in all things. And I pray this all in Jesus name AMEN
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