Friday, June 3, 2011



A Man of forgiveness

Quick Overview

Joseph was the youngest of eleven brothers, and he was his father’s favorite. His father made this very obvious; he gave him a coat that had many colors to symbolize this. Joseph’s brothers became very jealous and began plotting a way to kill or get rid of Joseph. Once they had their plan ready they shoved Joseph into a deep hole and sold him as a slave to an Egyptian. Joseph worked very hard for the man he was sold to, and eventually became the second most powerful man in Egypt, one day his family came to Egypt to seek help, they did not recognize Joseph but he quickly recognized them, and after some time told his father he was alive and forgave his brothers.

Forgiveness requires maturity, patience and tact. Forgiveness is also a mandate from our Lord. God desires us to seek forgiveness; because God is a God of forgiveness where He is centered upon relationships and committed to relationships. God knows our human weakness, and are self-destructive nature, and that our relationships tend to be fragile. Broken relationships come out of our sin nature, and our fallen world, which seeks its self over one another. God's desire is to show the world our potential, because what Christ has done for us, that we should not take pleasure in destructive situations that is dividing and drawing relationships apart. Because relationships are what life is all about. Satan's desire is to destroy relationships as he first attempted in the Garden of Eden, and nearly defeated our relationship with God and each other. God's plan is to prove Satan wrong, and our call is to build each other up and not destroy each other. When we have the knowledge of God's mercy, then we have the responsibility of acting on mercy with each other. (Ephesians 4:29-32) How can we go through our Christian life and experience and rationalize our actions and deeds only to face our Lord later on in judgment!

Read the following verses then answer the questions below’

1 John 1:9, Psalm 32, John 13:34-35

Question One. How do I exhibit forgiveness in my daily life?

Question Two. What can I do to develop a better attitude of forgiveness?

Question Three. What blocks forgiveness from working and being exhibited in me?

Question Four. How can I make forgiveness function better, stronger and faster even in times of uncertainly and stress?

After answering the questions above, do you have a better understanding of what forgiveness means and why it is so important?

The "I Wills" of Forgiveness

I will be quick to forgive

I will not cover up my own wrongs but will be quick to ask for forgiveness

I will not seek revenge

I will respond kindly to those who hurt me

I will not take up offences for others

Let this be your prayer,

Lord, I pray that you will help me forgive others, like you have forgiven me. And help me to remember that you forgive me when I sin. And I pray this all in Jesus name AMEN

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