Monday, June 6, 2011



A Loyal Woman

Quick Overview

Naomi was a kind old woman, who lived far from her homeland. Her husband and sons had died and all she had left were her two daughter-in-laws. One day Naomi told them, that she must return to her homeland and that there was nothing she could do for them, because of her age. Ruth was a very loyal daughter-in-law and begged her “Let me go where you go. Your people will be my people. And your God will be my God." Naomi agreed, and Ruth went to stay with Naomi, one day while Ruth was out harvesting the fields a man Boaz asked who she was, some of the men told him ‘she came back with old Naomi, and she works hard all day’ After hearing this Boaz approached Ruth, and told her she could gather as much grain as she needed. Ruth said to Boaz ‘You are very kind to a foreigner’ Boaz replied ‘You helped my relative Naomi," said Boaz. "May God bless and reward you for your kindness.’ And God did bless her for her loyalty.

Loyalty is like faith; it means promise of another. In ancient times, the two words had the same meaning, and referred to one's loyalty to a person, or trustworthiness to a promise they had made. The person receiving the promise was acting on faith and trusting in that person, and that is what loyalty is mainly about. But, loyalty has another side to it. It is also a call that we involve other characters into, such as, forgiveness, mercy, and respect. We are to realize this with people, even when it is underserved and unearned. Loyalty is also the knowledge that the people we place our loyalty will disappoint us. However, we cannot base our character and self image in their reaction, only in who Christ is. Our outlook on life and reaction to people needs to be rooted in God, not on how those people respond to us. We are not responsible for how people treat us; we are only responsible for treating them with utmost character, as a reflection of Christ. Hence, the word Christian is being “Christ like,” not “self like.”

Read the following verse then answer the questions below

Romans 12:10

Question One. How would you define Loyalty? Are you a respectful person? If so, what about respect for your government leaders?

Question Two. How do I exhibit Loyalty in my daily life?

Question Three. What blocks Loyalty from working and being exhibited in me?

Question Four. How can I make Loyalty function better, stronger, and faster, even in times of uncertainly and stress?

Question Five. What can I do to develop a better willingness to be loyal and maintain a commitment to people?

Question Six. What issue is in your life that would improve with more loyalty?

Question Seven. How will being loyal affect my relationship with God?

After answering the questions above, do you have a better understanding of what it means to be loyal and why it is so important?

How to demonstrate loyalty

®At Home®

Surprising each other with fun outings even during difficult times.

Avoiding influences that draw family members' hearts away from one another.

Parents staying involved in their children's activities even in a crisis.

Sons and daughters being willing to give up things that their parents cannot afford to buy rather than make them feel inadequate.

Parents reaffirming their commitment to their family with no possibility of divorce.

®At Work/School®

Look for ways to serve and encourage your teachers/employer.

Refuse to participate in conversation that seeks to mock your authorities.

Be an "energy-giver."

®At Church®

Purpose to only speak well of church leaders and members to others.

Don't look for a new church the moment a problem arises - seek to resolve those conflicts Biblically.

Attend your church services regularly as a family.

Let this be your prayer,

Lord, I pray that you will help me become a loyal person, to you, my friends, my parents, and everyone you put in authority over me. And help me to forgive others, when they’re no loyal to me. In Jesus name AMEN

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