Jesus uses self control
Quick Overview
After His baptism, Jesus spent time alone with God in the wilderness. For forty days, He ate no food. He grew very, very hungry. "Jesus," called a voice, "if you are really God's Son, why don't You turn these stones into bread so that You can eat?" Jesus recognized Satan's voice, and although He was hungry, He said, "It is written, 'Man does not live by eating only bread, but by every word that comes from God's mouth.'" Then Satan showed Jesus the peak of the temple and said, "If you are really God's Son, You could jump from here and Scripture says angels would catch you." "It also says, 'Do not tempt God,"' answered Jesus. So Satan took Jesus to the top of a tall mountain and said, "Look down there. See all that lies below you, every kingdom, and every single thing on the earth. Bow down and worship me, and I will give it all to you." "Get away from me, Satan!" commanded Jesus. "It is written, 'Worship God alone, and serve only Him.'" At that, Satan fled, and angels came down and cared for Jesus.
Self-Control is allowing God to be in control of your will and heart and seeking the Spirit to enable us. Then we will know what not to do and guard the areas we are weak in. This will allow us to have discipline and restraint with obedience to God and others. It is not letting distractions derail or remove us from His will and plan so we will not be held back with what Christ called us to do.
Self-indulgence is the opposite, from eating a pound of chocolate at once or partying your way to oblivion. Too much excess will leave you empty and alone, it will at best cause us to gain a lot of weight and lose your friends and at worst lose your life and miss out on our heavenly reward! Self-indulgence seeks what is fleeting when we as a Christian are made for eternity.
Read the following verses then answer the questions below
Titus 1:8, Titus 2:2, Titus 2:6, 2 Peter 1:6
Question One. How would you define Self-Control?
Question Two. How do I exhibit Self-Control in my daily life?
Question Three. What can I do to develop a better attitude of Self-Control?
Question Four. What blocks Self-Control from working and being exhibited in me?
Question Five. How can I make Self-Control function better, stronger and faster even in times of uncertainly and stress?
Question Six. What are the things that lure you to be self-indulgent?
Question Seven. How does the excess of life counteract Self-Control?
Question Eight. What happens to our relationships with God and others when we relinquish self-control?
Question Nine. When have you been filled with Self-Control the most?
Question Ten. In what situation did you fail to have Self-Control in which you should have?
Question Eleven. What issue is in your life that would improve with more Self-Control?
Question Twelve. Think through the steps you need to take to put Self-Control into action in a specific instance. Such as how can you place safe guards against the areas in your life where you are weak in? Or how can you avoid situations, things, certain people and places that may cause you to lose control? Or how can you balance having joy and fun so they do not become excess that lead to sin?
The "I Wills" of Self-Control
I will not act impulsively
I will not equate desires with rights
I will set my own limits
I will see my anger as a sign that something is wrong in me
I will walk away from things that aren't right
How to Demonstrate Self-Control
·At Home·
Refuse to allow other family members to provoke you to anger.
Never discipline in anger.
Look for ways to serve other family members rather than yourself.
Purpose never to raise your voice in anger in the home.
·At Work/School·
Purpose ahead of time that you will stand alone for what is right and refuse to compromise.
Refuse to participate in harmful habits.
Choose to walk away from questionable activities.
Don't allow anger to destroy the effectiveness of your witness.
·At Church·
Reject gossip about church leaders and other church members.
Never react in anger to those who disagree with you.
Follow the principles in Matthew 18:15-20 to restore someone who has a fault.
Let this be your prayer,
Dear God,
I pray that you will plant self control in me that will help me grow up like a tree of strength. I pray that you will help me rein in my passions, desires and emotions and make them subject to your Spirit. Please give me the self-discipline I need.
In Jesus name AMEN
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