Tuesday, June 7, 2011



A Generous Woman

Quick Overview

Jesus warned His disciples, "Watch out for those who teach the law. They like parading in fancy clothes and being seen in the marketplace. They always want the best. And yet they often treat poor widows unfairly. Men like that will be punished one day."

Jesus looked up and saw a rich man proudly place money into the temple treasury. Then a poor widow quietly dropped two small coins into the box. "The truth is, that poor widow gave more than all the others. The others gave out of much riches, but she gave all the money she has in the world."

Generosity is the realization we have God’s living water flowing in us. To keep it fresh, it must flow out of us, too! The Dead Sea in Israel is dead. There is no life is in it because it has no outlet. It has a river flowing into it, but the water remains there, and becomes stagnated with harsh salts and minerals to the point that nothing can live or grow there. When we are stingy, we become like the Dead Sea--stagnant and lifeless. The living water within us will quickly become stagnant, like a mud puddle with mosquito larvae growing in it, useless, and even dangerous.

Generosity is an example of our trust and reliance on God. Because He has given so much to us, way beyond what we can comprehend, we can therefore be charitable with others. This is an act of worship--to model Christ, and see the big picture that goods and material things are not important, but relationships are. This goes to giving back to God, providing to those who have less, and making sure your church is modeling this character. A selfish church that does not give, and only sees them as a charity, will become a Dead Sea rather quickly. How sad and pathetic that would be--an unconcerned, uncaring, and self-absorbed quandary to the neighborhood, and a disgrace to the Kingdom!

Read the following verses then answer the questions below

Deuteronomy 15:10, 1 Chronicles 29:14 Psalm 37:21, Psalm 112:5, Proverbs 11:25

Question One. How would you define Generosity?

Question Two. How do I exhibit Generosity in my daily life?

Question Three. What blocks me from being Generous?

Question Four. What are the things that cause you to be stingy with what God gives you?

Question Five. How does greed counteract Generosity?

Question Six. What happens to our relationship with God, and with others, when we refuse to see all that we have is His?

Question Seven. When have you most been filled with Generosity?

Question Eight. In what situation did you fail to be Generous when you should have been?

Question Nine. What can I do to develop a mindset to know that all I have in life belongs to God, and, since He supplies all I have and need, I can model His grace through being Generous?

Question Ten. How can I make Generosity function better, stronger, and faster, even in times of uncertainly and stress?

Question Eleven. What issue is in your life now, which would improve with being more generous?

Question Twelve. Think through the steps you need to take to put Generosity into action in a specific instance. If you are not a giving or hospitable person, seek to discover why. You are blocking God’s work in you. How can you release your selfish attitudes, and embrace the flowing in and out of His work in you? The lack of Generosity will reflect a lack of faith and obedience! If you think there are no rivers coming into you, then seek what is blocking them. Is it sin, attitude, fear….? God blesses those who steadfastly embrace His call, and who stay true to Christ

How to Demonstrate Generosity

·To God·

Give God the first part (10%) of your income

Give God the first part of your day

Dedicate yourself totally and unconditionally to the Lord

·To Parents·

Be generous with praise for your parents

Give meaningful gifts on special occasions that demonstrate your appreciation for your parents

Send them an unexpected gift such as flowers or a card for no reason other than to say "I love you and am grateful for you"

·To your Employers·

Be willing to work overtime if necessary

Show initiative and go the "extra-mile"

·To your Church Leaders·

Show hospitality to other church members and visitors

Be willing to give sacrificially to mission projects and other church needs

Tell your church leaders that you are willing to serve in any way that you can

Let this be your prayer,

Lord, I think you for everything you have blessed me with, I pray that you will help me use what you have given to bless others, and that I will do so with a good attitude. In Jesus name AMEN

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